Design Works

My Life in NYC

Visualizing life changes before and after life in New York

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My Life in NYC


designer, writer, photographer, illustrator


After I had spent the first five years in New York, I realized my entire life shapeshifted in practically all aspects, both personally and professionally. Looking at my old and new passport photos side by side—a clean-shaven academic with nerdy haircut versus a bearded bald designer—inspiration kicked in to create a visual quinquennial report that outlines my life before and after New York.

Timeline representing relative time and efforts in academic and non-academic areas. Timeline representing relative time and efforts in academic and non-academic areas.

The initial journey in numbers The initial journey in numbers

Life path transitions in geographic and topical trains of thought. (<em>See what I did there?</em>) Life path transitions in geographic and topical trains of thought. (See what I did there?)

Drastic visual contrast between before and after NYC life in mundane aspects. Drastic visual contrast between before and after NYC life in mundane aspects.

Changes in food consumption and speaking habits. Changes in food consumption and speaking habits.

Phonetic and pragmatic changes. Phonetic and pragmatic changes.

Becoming a runner. Becoming a runner.

Knack of making something Knack of making something

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© 2023 by Bumhan Yu